BIOVINEGAR as an organisation dedicated to Elaboración y envasado de vinagre de vino, manzana, balsámico y vinagre de alcohol a Granel en cisternas, en IBC de 1000 l, en garrafas de 25 y 5 L, bag in box de 5L, vidrio de 250,500,750 ML y PET 1L, 2L, 5L, tiene como objetivo fundamental asegurar la calidad, autenticidad de sus productos y la seguridad alimentaria de los mismos conforme a las exigencias de sus clientes, mercados, así como las exigencias y normativas reglamentarias.
The achievement of these objectives will ensure the continuity of our organisation, its growth, its improvement and the future of all of us. This is why I am asking for the active collaboration and participation of all the staff of BIOVINEGARThe Food Safety Management System is a tool for the development of the activities defined in the Food Safety Management System.
For all these reasons, BIOVINEGAR undertakes to:
- Comply with the obligation to market safe and legal products in accordance with the specified quality and to assume their responsibility towards their customers.
- Avoid the risk of fraud, analysing the vulnerability of all raw materials, packaging and subcontracted processes to prevent it; establishing the appropriate measures and including the development of a Mitigation Plan to prevent fraud in its marketed products and carrying out the corresponding follow-up.
- Comply with all product requirements in terms of safety, quality, legality, control of manufacturing processes and compliance with specifications.
- Establish environmental, sustainability, ethical and personal responsibility criteria in its management.
- Comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the organisation subscribes related to food safety.
- Continuous improvement of the management system
- Promote, implement and evaluate actions that foster a culture of quality and food safety at all levels of our Organisation.
- Disseminate the policy to the staff of BIOVINEGARThe Commission will also provide information to its own contractors and suppliers, and to citizens on request.
- Review and update food safety policy and objectives on a regular basis to ensure that they are appropriate to the activities carried out.
This Policy shall serve as the basis for setting food safety objectives and shall be reviewed annually and, where necessary, amended to ensure its continuing relevance to needs.
Tomelloso, 1 March 2022
BioVinegar Management