Agriculture Vinegar
The natural herbicide everyone is talking about.
¿Qué es BioVinegar?
Vinagre de alcohol concentrado 20º, de origen vegetal.
Herbicida Natural
Eliminador de malas hierbas por reducción de pH.
Es eliminado de forma natural del entorno.
No es necesario el carnet de manipulador.
Efecto visible a las 24h.
Reduce el uso de pesticidas
Protege tu entorno al evitar utilizar productos químicos.
Ácido Carboxílico Natural
Mejora la estructura del suelo y su retención de nutrientes.

FunyBach 20%
In order to exploit the potential of the VINEGAR... vinagre de alcohol como sustancia básica en la agricultura ecológica, hemos creado Funybach 20% un potente reductor de pH, y desincrustante.
Higienizante para Sistemas de Riego por goteo. Funybach 20% es desincrustante de carácter ácido, procedente del vinagre concentrado de alcohol vegetal, obtenido de forma natural a partir del alcohol de cereales. Actúa como limpiador de depósitos calcáreos en los sistemas de riego, descalcificando los goteros, conducciones, etc. Además el producto se puede utilizar para regulating the pH of the irrigation water to keep it below values of 5.5, avoiding the formation of calcareous salts in the pipes and drippers, keeping the water free of calcareous precipitations.
Certified by SHC, for use in organic farming.
- First of all, in the case of areas with weeds of different heights, it is advisable to weed in order to ensure that the treatment wets all weeds. The aim is to prevent the taller weeds from shading the smaller weeds so that they do not get wet.
- Generally speaking, diluted to 50% in water is usually sufficient. However, we recommend first treating at 60-65% and then adjusting.
- In cases of more resistant weeds, or weeds with more fleshy leaves, the dose can be increased or the treatment repeated after 7-10 days.
- Do not apply too close or with too much pressure. The aim is to wet the grass well.
- Apply at the hottest time of the day
In the case of grasses with broad leaves, any surfactant that breaks the water molecule and makes it easier for the product to spread over the leaf surface can be used.
In the case of "gramineas", given that their surface is peeled (in other cases covered with wax), and they also have a very vertical shape, we have found that this type of wetting agent is not effective, so we recommend using a wetting agent with a "resinous" texture so that the product sticks to the surface of the plant, and its effect is strong.
The amount of wetting agent can vary between 4 and 5 ml/L of prepared broth.
At BIOVINEGAR we recommend MOJAGRAR NATUR. In the tests we have carried out, it is the wetting agent with which we have obtained the best results.
Avoid significant thermal changes.
Vinegars do not have a best-before date. However, changes in appearance may occur, but do not affect the quality of the vinegar.
You can also use it for the following purposes:
- Cleans irrigation systems, decalcifying the pipes in drip irrigation.
- Disinfects and helps to heal wounds caused by farm implements.
- Acts as a repellent for rabbits, moles and any type of rodent.
- Ant repellent.